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  • 乌珠穆沁沙地主要风沙环境特征及形成机制研究

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geography submitted time 2024-03-01 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区研究》

    Abstract: Mastering the regional wind sand movement environment and sediment particle size characteristics isthe key to studying wind sand flow, and is of great significance for the prevention and recovery of regional windsand disasters. Based on the wind regime data of Wuzhumuqin Sandy Land, this paper studies the variationcharacteristics of sand driving wind regime and sand transport potential, and reveals the spatial differences ofsand environment in this area by combining with the sediment particle size data. The results show that:(1)Theannual average frequency of sand blowing in the Wuzhumuqin sandy land is 33.8%, with an average wind speedof 3.34-5.40 m·s-1, and an average sand blowing wind speed of 6.46-8.49 m·s-1. The frequency and wind speedof sand blowing in the north of the sandy land are greater than those in the south, and those in the west are greaterthan those in the east.(2)The overall annual frequency and wind speed of sand storms are the highest in spring.The wind direction of sand storms is mainly in the southwest direction, and the frequency in the WSW directionis the highest. (3)The sand transport potential in the sandy land is 19.2-193.7 VU, which is generally a low windenergy environment. The wind conditions are mostly sharp bimodal wind conditions. The sand transport potentialin the north of the sandy land is greater than that in the south, and that in the west is greater than that in the east.Throughout the year, sand material is transported to the east and northeast, and spring is the most importantperiod of wind sand activity.(4)The sandy land is mainly composed of coarse and medium sand components,with soil particle sizes in the south and west being coarser and finer in the east. The sorting of sediment in thenorthern and eastern parts of the sandy land is poor, and the particle size components are greatly influenced byexternal factors. Overall, the sandstorm activity in the northern part of the sandy land is the strongest, making itsuitable for artificial planting or laying sand barriers to fix sand. Protection forest is planted in the east of thesandy land to avoid the continuous eastward movement of sand.

  • 导风板倾角对板后风沙流输沙的影响

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Other Disciplines of Geosciences submitted time 2019-09-11 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区研究》

    Abstract:通过野外试验探究了流动沙丘中上部导风板板后作用区风速特性和输沙量特征,结果表明:不同角度导风板对板后风速增加的区域有所不同,作用区内最大风速一般出现于板后1.5 m,45°导风板对于板后1.5 m处风速加速效果明显,板后3.0 m处则是25°导风板加速效果较为明显,而在板后4.5 m处影响效果明显的导风板角度为35°。导风板可以有效的提高板后输沙总量,其中30°~45°区间的中等角度导风板对于输沙量的提升具有明显效果,45°导风板对于板后1.5 m处输沙量提升效果较高,而40°导风板对于板后3.0 m处输沙量提升效果较高,在板后4.5 m处则是30°导风板提升效果较高。

  • 内蒙古森林雪灾风险评估与区划

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Other Disciplines of Geosciences submitted time 2019-09-11 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区研究》


  • 沙区光伏电场的风沙流输移特征

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Other Disciplines of Geosciences submitted time 2019-09-10 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区研究》

    Abstract:以乌海市晟辉能源技术公司沙区太阳能光伏电场为研究对象,对光伏矩阵内光伏板的前沿、后沿及光伏阵列行道处风沙输移情况进行观测,研究沙区光伏电站的风沙流输移规律。研究表明:① 各观测点输沙量均随着高度的增加呈降低趋势,光伏板前沿、后沿、行道处各观测点输沙量随高度增加的最佳拟合方程均为多项式函数,且R2均大于0.95,拟合结果可信。② 光伏板前沿、后沿处风沙流结构特征值大于1,风沙流呈非饱和状态,地表表现为风蚀。电场矩阵行道处风沙流结构特征值均小于1,风沙流为饱和状态,地表表现为堆积。由于光伏板对风沙流的导向作用,导致光伏板下方形成气流加速区,光伏板下方出现掏蚀现象,因此光伏板下方为场区内部风沙防治的重点区域。③ 光伏矩阵内部各观测点的输沙量均低于旷野处,且随着深入电站内部输沙量逐渐降低。沙区光伏电站控制沙害的关键位置为电站迎风边缘处。

  • 基于MODIS数据的2001—2016年内蒙古积雪分布及其变化趋势

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Other Disciplines of Geosciences submitted time 2019-09-09 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区研究》

    Abstract:积雪融水是干旱区重要的水资源之一,积雪分布变化的监测对区域雪冰资源的合理利用及灾害防治至关重要。基于内蒙古地区2001—2016年MOD10A2积雪数据对研究区进行分带提取,分析不同海拔高度积雪年内年际变化特征,结合气温和降水气象因素,分析其分布变化原因。研究表明:积雪面积、积雪覆盖率年内分布呈单峰形,10个海拔带的积雪期为9月到次年5月,峰值出现在冬季,积雪覆盖率增减的临界高度在952~1 114 m;不同高程带的积雪面积在春季、夏季、秋季整体上呈现出“增加—减少—增加—减少”的年际变化规律,冬季整体上表现出“减少—增加—减少”的变化规律;积雪面积受降水量和气温相互的影响,其中海拔高度可能起到间接作用。内蒙古地区春季、冬季积雪覆盖率均与冬季降水量呈显著正相关,各季节积雪覆盖率基本与温度呈负相关关系。