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  • 星载高光谱成像光谱仪狭缝函数测试方法的研究

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Space Physics submitted time 2017-03-10


  • 基于中阶梯光栅的波长定标方法的研究

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Space Physics submitted time 2017-03-10

    Abstract:光谱定标是仪器遥感数据定量化的前提和基础,针对星载大气微量成分探测仪视场大、波长 宽、空间分辨率和光谱分辨率高的特点,建立了基于中阶梯衍射光栅的光谱定标装置。中阶梯光栅 因其较少的线密度和较大的闪耀角工作在较高的闪耀级次,光谱范围宽且具有较高的分辨率,可在 工作波段内一次性输出多条分布较为均匀的谱线,克服了传统定标方式的缺点,提高了定标精度。 本文首先介绍了光谱定标装置的工作原理,接着利用该装置对高光谱大气微量成份探测仪进行光谱 定标,通过寻峰和回归分析给出载荷的光谱定标方程,并利用标准汞灯谱线对定标结果进行检验。 结果表明:高光谱大气微量成份探测仪的像元和波长近似满足线性分布规律,定标不确定度为 0.0258nm,汞灯特征谱线的定标值和标准值偏差最大不超过0.0435nm,证明了定标结果的准确性。

  • 地基紫外吸收性气溶胶监测仪电子学系统

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Space Physics submitted time 2017-03-10


  • SOLYS Gear Drive 太阳跟踪器的控制系统设计

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Space Physics submitted time 2017-03-10

    Abstract:太阳跟踪研究的发展,向太阳跟踪器的控制系统智能化提出了更高的要求。以SOLYS Gear Drive 太阳跟踪器为仪器平台,创新性地提出利用路由器建立控制主机和太阳跟踪器在局域网内,以及局域网和互联网之间的通信,并以虚拟仪器开发软件LabVIEW为软件平台,综合调用百度地图应用程序接口API和指令脚本文件,设计了一套控制系统。实现对仪器的状态监测,指令控制,远程访问等。系统功能丰富,操作简单,界面可视化好,普遍适用性强。

  • 一种新型地基Fabry-Perot干涉仪测量热层大气风场

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Space Physics submitted time 2017-01-22

    Abstract: As the thin air in the upper atmosphere(~250 km), passive optical measurement is considered as the most efficient method for wind retrieval of the upper atmosphere. Because of high energy utilization and high spectral resolution, Fabry-Perot Interferometer (FPI)is one of the most widely used instruments for wind measurements. To date, FPI has been used for wind measurements from both space and ground for decades. Many countries observed OI 630.0 nm nightglow emission to retrieve wind velocities by use of kinds of FPIs. In this paper, a tiny ground-based Fabry-Perot Interferometer (FPI) is designed using a band-pass filter behind etalon and Galilean telescope system for wind observation of the upper atmosphere. The instrument is mainly composed of five parts including front optics sky-scanner, the etalon, Galilean telescope and filter, detector, and laser calibration system. The size of the instrument is 1.34�.58�.35 m3, which demonstrates that the FPI is convenient to be transported from one place to another. Based on the instrument, several days of experiments were carried out at Langfang (39.40癗, 116.65癊) site and Kelan (38.71�N, 111.58�E) site for a detailed validation. The averaged wind deviation at Kelan sites between our FPI and American A-NCAR FPI is 11.8 m/s, which suggests good agreement between them.

  • FY-3气象卫星紫外臭氧总量探测仪辐亮度在轨定标与反演结果分析

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Space Physics submitted time 2016-12-26

    Abstract:FY-3气象卫星上搭载的紫外臭氧总量探测仪TOU是我国自主开发研制的首台用于全球臭氧总量定量测量的探测仪,自发射以来已成功在轨运行近两年。由于TOU发射前辐亮度定标存在偏差,为了得到高精度的产品,TOU必须进行在轨定标。本文介绍了基于辐射传输模式计算对TOU辐亮度进行在轨道定标的方法,定标过程中用于模拟辐亮度计算的臭氧总量由与TOU观测时刻相近的国外臭氧总量探测仪器MetOp/GOME-2提供。文章将在轨定标后TOU的反演结果与AURA/OMI以及地基的产品进行比较,研究结果表明,用辐射传输模式对TOU辐亮度进行在轨定标的方法是可行的,反演结果能够真实的反映臭氧的时空分布特性,在全球部分地基观测站所处的位置上对TOU, OMI以及地基的臭氧总量进行比较的结果表明,TOU与OMI的相对偏差均方根约为2.52%, TOU与地基以及OMI与地基观测结果之间的相对偏差均方根分别为4.45%和3.89%。

  • 红精灵发光光谱的数值模拟研究

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Space Physics submitted time 2016-05-13

    Abstract: Sprites are the transient luminous events above very active thunderstorms and are the direct evidence of the energy in troposphere coupled to the upper atmosphere. The emissive spectrum study is the important means to understand the energy injected into upper atmosphere and regional ionization, the electron energy distribution during the whole event. These parameters are useful for the study of sprites' physical mechanism, in addition as a kind of natural atmospheric luminous phenomenon, the emissive spectrum study is useful for providing important information to the research of atmospheric radiation background information. Based on the Boltzmann Equation to calculate the time evolution of the electron energy distribution function in a mixture of partially ionized gases with an applied electric field, the paper calculated the spectral intensity in typical emissive band for sprites. Simulation results show that the emissive intensity is more intensive with more intensive E/N and the emissive spectrum is from far ultraviolet to near infrared.

  • 高速远紫外光子计数成像读出电路设计

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Space Physics submitted time 2016-05-13

    Abstract: The technology of far ultraviolet photon-counting imaging detection is to record each single photon position and achieve the purpose of general imaging by detecting weak single photon information. The counting rate limits the information acquisition. On the basis of analyzing factors affecting the counting rate, the front-end analog circuit is needed for the amplification and shaping of the detector signals. Eventually, A225 chip was chosen as the pre-amplifier and shaping circuit was designed in the analog front-end circuit. Corresponding simulation and experimental results show that the circuit design is reasonable, and the counting rate can reach 200 kHz.

  • 雷暴云准静电场引发的中层闪电辐射光谱计算研究

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Space Physics submitted time 2016-05-13

    Abstract: The middle lightning phenomena is a key topic in the middle and upper atmosphere.In this dissertation,its emissive spectral is studied by numerical simulation.On the base of the quasi-electrostatic(QE)field excitating mechanism,the quasielectrostatic field distribution with height caused by a sudden discharge of thunderstorm cloud is calculated by single point charge model.The reduced E-field(E/N,where E is the quasielectrostatic field intensity and N is the neutral density)is inputted into the Boltzmann equation function for the electron energy distribution with time in a mixture of partially ionized gases.The excitation rate corresponding to the collisional process as a function of reduced E-field is calculated.On the base of the calculations the volume emissive rate for each emissive band is calculated,then the volume emissive rate is inputted into the atmophere radiative transfer function to obtain the radiative intensity with wavelength.Example for the excitation calculated when E/N=200Td,the radiative intensity produced thousands of rayleighs.The spectral distribution is relative to the atmospheric composition and dectection path.

  • 基于紫外辐射传输模型AURIC-2012的气辉辐射模拟

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Space Physics submitted time 2016-04-22

    Abstract:AURIC是由美国计算物理公司CPI与空军Phillips实验室联合开发的中高层大气紫外-可见光-近红外气辉辐射传输模型, 是目前唯一用来进行中高层大气气辉辐射模拟研究的通用模型. 基于MODTRAN模型的理论, AURIC可以进行80 km高度以上的辐射传输模拟并将辐射波段扩展到远紫外波段(80 nm). 目前, CPI公司只面向全球发布了AURIC v1.2软件封装包, 其只能进行2000年以前的单点计算, 不适用于批量的中高层大气辐射模拟, 更不能用于星上大气成分的批量反演. 本文利用Matlab对AURIC v1.2地磁参数模块、大气电子密度模块、大气温度及各种中性气体成分密度模块进行了替代, 将更新模块与原有的辐射计算模块相结合, 将AURIC v1.2更新为AURIC-2012模型, 其可以批量地进行全球的大气辐射传输模拟, 可以与星载测量数据相结合进行中高层大气成分的批量反演, 如O/N_2、电子密度等, 同时也为模型辐射计算模块的进一步改进和辐射机制的参数更新奠定基础. 基于AURIC-2012模型, 进行了气辉临边柱辐射强度模拟和体辐射率计算, 并将结果分别与GUVI柱辐射强度和TIDI体辐射率实测值进行了比较, 得到两者峰值的模拟平均相对误差都小于20%. 最后,利用AURIC-2012对气辉临边柱辐射强度随纬度和高度的分布进行了二维模拟, 并基于模拟对昼、夜气辉辐射强度分布特性及影响因素进行了分析.

  • 基于数据网格化方法的低轨辐射带建模技术

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Space Physics submitted time 2016-04-22

    Abstract: The energetic charged particle in the radiation belts of earth is the main environmental factor which can result in performance degradation and even failure of the material and device on spacecraft, so the accuracy of radiation belts model which is being used during design phase of spacecraft is very important to spacecraft performance of space mission and survivability. In the development of radiation belts model based on our own country's data from exploration of radiation belts, the gridding of discrete data is a fundamental task. The key facts of data from Chinese exploration of radiation belts were introduced, the goal and road-map of modeling were described, the application of interpolation in gridding of modeling of radiation belts in low-earth orbit(LEO) was discussed, and the significant errors were analysed. The result of interpolation indicates that in mainly interpolation methods, inverse distance weighting (IDW), natural neighbor and nearest neighbor are most suitable for engineering calculation, the particle flux which is inverted from data grid produced by IDW has the highest precision, and the result from IDW will be more accurate when IDW uses small exponent of distance.