Preprint Academic Community Tour 2024 No. 4: Renmin University Station

  In the new stage of open science, preprints have become a new type of academic communication and are playing a leading role in international and domestic scientific research cooperation. International preprint platforms, exemplified by arXiv, are developing rapidly, and ChinaXiv (, a platform for the pre-publication of scientific and technical papers of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has created an advanced academic communication platform in China. In order to improve researchers' understanding of preprints, enhance the academic impact of ChinaXiv, and promote the prosperity of scientific communication, the preprint construction team of the Documentation and Intelligence Centre of the Chinese Academy of Sciences organised and planned a series of activities of "Preprints (ChinaXiv) into Academic Communities", which is aimed at universities and research institutes nationwide to carry out promotional activities. The team organised and planned the "ChinaXiv in the Academic Community" series of activities, targeting universities and research institutes nationwide.

    On 7 April 2024, Prof. Chou Jingli, head of the preprint platform construction project of the National Science Library,Chinese Academy of Sciences, was invited to Renmin University of China (RUC) to give a lecture on "Composition and Capacity Building of Preprints and Preprint Platform Literacy". The lecture was hosted by the School of Information Resource Management of Renmin University of China, Renmin University of China Library, and the Academic Affairs Office of Renmin University of China, and more than 60 teachers and students on site and online participated in the learning, exchanges and discussions.

    In the lecture, Professor Chor Jingli analysed the basic connotation, positioning and development history of preprints and preprint platforms, and also shared the latest construction progress of ChinaXiv, and focused on the essence of preprint platforms as a new mode of academic communication. Professor Chor pointed out that in the digital environment, information literacy and digital literacy have become the core competencies that researchers need to possess, and preprint and preprint platform literacy is an important part of information literacy and digital literacy, and an indispensable comprehensive literacy competency for researchers in the current academic field, which consists of six key aspects: Cognitive, Needs, Awareness, Ethics, Evaluation, and Competence.

    At the same time, Professor Chor called for the participation and collaboration of the national academic community in preprints and preprint platforms, the need to promote the academic community to pay attention to and promote the construction of preprint platforms, to increase the knowledge of "preprints and preprint platforms" in the system of information literacy courses, and to turn the librarians' preprints and preprint platforms literacy into the literacy of the users, To continuously enhance the tracking and learning of preprints and preprint platforms in order to improve one's own preprints and preprint platforms literacy ability.

    After the lecture, the participating teachers and students had a lively exchange and discussion on the preprint policy of journals, preprint ethics and intellectual property rights, preprint platform review and academic misconduct. The "ChinaXiv in Academic Communities" event will continue to be held, and more collaborations will be solicited and invited to promote the building of preprint platforms in the academic community.

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