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  • 地基紫外吸收性气溶胶监测仪电子学系统

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Space Physics submitted time 2017-03-10


  • SOLYS Gear Drive 太阳跟踪器的控制系统设计

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Space Physics submitted time 2017-03-10

    Abstract:太阳跟踪研究的发展,向太阳跟踪器的控制系统智能化提出了更高的要求。以SOLYS Gear Drive 太阳跟踪器为仪器平台,创新性地提出利用路由器建立控制主机和太阳跟踪器在局域网内,以及局域网和互联网之间的通信,并以虚拟仪器开发软件LabVIEW为软件平台,综合调用百度地图应用程序接口API和指令脚本文件,设计了一套控制系统。实现对仪器的状态监测,指令控制,远程访问等。系统功能丰富,操作简单,界面可视化好,普遍适用性强。

  • 基于FPGA步进电机细分控制系统

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Space Physics submitted time 2016-04-22

    Abstract: The capability of the modern payloads on satellite is getting stronger and stronger, and the motor has been used widely. The life and reliability of the motor equipped on satellite would be the main characters that restrict long-time work of the satellites. So the design of motor system on satellites should be not only satisfied with the application requirements, but also the requirements of life and reliability should be fully taken into account simultaneously. In this paper, a two-phase hybrid stepper motor control system based on FPGA is introduced. In order to improve control accuracy and suppress low-frequency vibration, the system was designed based on subdivision control method and an acceleration process was designed to ensure that motor started properly. Large current was used to stop the motor quickly and small current was used to keep the motor motionless. The test results showed that this system has the advantages of low-power consumption, starting and stopping steadily.