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Your conditions: 2018-1
  • Postcranial morphology of Middle Eocene deperetellid Teleolophus (Perissodactyla, Tapiroidea) from Shara Murun region of the Erlian Basin, Nei Mongol, China

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geology submitted time 2018-01-25 Cooperative journals: 《古脊椎动物学报》

    Abstract: Deperetellidae are a group of common, endemic Asian Middle Eocene tapiroids. Although five genera within the family have been named, most of them were represented by fragmentary maxillae and mandibles except for some skeletal material of Deperetella. Based exclusively on dental characters, different authors have proposed affinities of deperetellids with, for instance, helaletid Colodon, lophialetids, or rhodopagids. Here we described the partial postcranial skeleton of Teleolophus medius? recently discovered at Wulanhuxiu (=Ulan Shireh) of the Erlian Basin, China, and compared the postcranial skeletons of Teleolophus with those of Lophialetes, Deperetella, Heptodon, Helaletes, and Colodon. The postcranial skeleton of Teleolophus shares many similarities with that of Deperetella especially in having elongated and slender limbs, a relatively long, narrow lunar with a slightly concave medial border of the radial facet, a magnum with an anteriorly situated hump and a deeply excavated Mc IV facet, Mc II not elevated above Mc III, a slightly asymmetric trochlea of the femur, a fibula highly reduced or even fused with a tibia, Mt III contacting the cuboid, Mt II in contact with ectocuneiform only on the posterior end, and the manus and pes with functional tridactyls. These similarities support the close relationship between Teleolophus and Deperetella. We interpreted some similarities of postcrania between Teleolophus and Lophialetes as a result of parallel evolution, due to their cursorial adaptations. Colodon is more similar to Heptodon than to Teleolophus in the postcranial features, suggesting a close relationship between Colodon and Heptodon. Whether or not Helaletidae and Deperetellidae are closely related await further investigation. Both morphological characters and ternary diagram indicate that Teleolophus adapted to fast running, as its contemporary Lophialetes.

  • The first Stalicoolithus shifengensis discovered in a clutch from the Sanshui Basin, Guangdong Province

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geology submitted time 2018-01-23 Cooperative journals: 《古脊椎动物学报》

    Abstract:The first clutch of Stalicoolithus shifengensis is described here. This incomplete dinosaur egg clutch in which three nearly complete eggs and two egg prints were preserved was discovered in the red deposits of the Sanshui Formation at a construction site near the sluice of North Village, Dali Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China. The eggs in the clutch are stacked with various ranges. Based on the characteristics of the eggshell, these eggs can be assigned to S. shifengensis. The discovery of S. shifengensis in the Sanshui Formation complements the clutch information about the oospecies as well as expands its paleogeographic distribution, and sets the foundation for discussing the diversity of dinosaur eggs in the Sanshui Basin.

  • 国外山岳型遗产地保护发展经验及其对北京市的启示

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geography submitted time 2018-01-11 Cooperative journals: 《智库理论与实践》

    Abstract:[目的/意义] 中国是世界遗产最多的国家之一,传承保护好这些珍贵的历史文化遗产是中国人民,也是世界人民的共同责任,但是如何处理好文化遗产保护利用与城乡改造开发的关系却是一个重大的现实问题。[方法/过程] 采用实地调研、案例分析、对比研究等方法,分析了美国黑石河峡谷遗产廊道、日本纪伊山脉胜地的基本概况,总结了上述两个案例的成功经验,提出了对北京西山文化带的建设启示。[结果/结论] 研究表明,国际上山岳型遗产地保护发展有不少成功经验,可以概括为重视文化遗产保护,自然景观与人文景观相协调;因势利导发展旅游业,促进文化遗产保护与利用相结合;完善规划管理体系,政府管理与民众意愿相统一;成立专门机构,促进国家、地方、民众相联合。这启示北京应进一步凝练西山文化带的文化特色和内涵、切实保护和利用好自然和文化资源、成立专门机构进行统一管理、加强规划引导和功能定位。

  • 我国土壤污染防治的挑战与战略定位

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geography submitted time 2018-01-11 Cooperative journals: 《智库理论与实践》

    Abstract:[目的/意义] 针对新世纪我国土壤污染凸显的严峻形势,探索能有效改善土壤质量、保护土壤环境和安全利用土地资源的战略机制,对保障农产品质量安全和公众健康、实现土地可持续利用和推动生态文明建设具有重要的现实意义和深远的战略影响。[方法/过程] 本文系统分析了我国土壤污染防治过程中面临的主要问题及挑战,并从土壤环境保护和土地安全利用的宏观视角定位土壤污染防治的关键举措。[结果/结论] 研究发现,我国土壤污染防治工作以农田和工业用地为治理重点,虽已在多方面取得重大进展,但仍存在以下主要问题:(1)针对农田污染,存在污染物空间异质性强、土壤污染与农产品超标差异大、土壤污染源头管控不到位和农田安全利用困难等问题;(2)针对工业污染地块,存在污染防治的政策法规体系不完善、技术能力建设滞后、片面强调工程修复和修复模式不持续等问题。为保护国家土壤生态安全,促进土地安全利用战略规划,应加快完善土壤污染防治顶层设计,系统开展源头治理、精准治理与综合治理,坚持“可持续修复、适度修复和绿色修复”原则,加强产业链中各利益方的密切合作,开拓多元稳定的土壤修复筹融资渠道,建立土壤环境质量预警机制。

  • New materials of Choerolophodon (Proboscidea) from Dhok Pathan Formation of Siwaliks, Pakistan

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geology submitted time 2018-01-09 Cooperative journals: 《古脊椎动物学报》

    Abstract:Choerolophodon corrugatus is the only species of the genus Choerolophodon found in the Siwalik Group. Its first appearance is in the Kamlial Formation (Middle Miocene) of the Lower Siwalik Subgroup and it is most abundant in the Dhok Pathan Formation of the Middle Siwalik Subgroup (Late Miocene to Early Pliocene). New remains of Choerolophodon corrugatus have been recovered from the Dhok Pathan type locality and its adjacent areas. The specimens include tusks, mandible and maxillary fragments, and deciduous premolars and permanent molars. The Siwalik species shows great affinity with the European species Ch. pentelici in dentition and differs in the cranial and mandibular characteristics.

  • A new species of Chilotherium (Perissodactyla, Rhinocerotidae) from the Late Miocene of Qingyang, Gansu, China

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geology submitted time 2018-01-09 Cooperative journals: 《古脊椎动物学报》

    Abstract:An adult skull with articulated atlas and an adult mandible, collected by Emile Licent in 1920 from the Late Miocene of Qingyang (Gansu, China), is recognized as a new species Chilotherium licenti sp. nov. These specimens possess typical characters of the genus Chilotherium, such as the strongly expanded mandibular symphysis, the huge and dagger-shaped i2s with an upturned medial flange, strongly constricted protocones, well-developed crochet and crista, and weakly developed parastyle folds and paracone ribs. Chilotherium licenti is characterized by the near absence of lingual and buccal cingula, and the medifossette on P2 to M2 forming by well-developed crochet and crista. The derived characters of the new species indicate that it is the highly specialized taxon of the genus Chilotherium, corresponding to MN12-13 of the Turolian in Europe. Based on a phylogenetic analysis of rhinocerotids, C. licenti from the Late Miocene is the most derived species in the known species of the Chilotherium lineage.

  • International UTC TAI comparison based on BDS PPP

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Other Disciplines of Geosciences submitted time 2018-01-07

    Abstract: The BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) developed by China, and provided official service for Asia-pacific region freely since 2012. With development of BDS, BDS-based time transfer has become an important research direction in BDS’s application fields. At present, the main method of BDS-based time transfer is BDS Common View (BDS CV), which can reach nanoseconds magnitude. Hence, we investigate the performance time transfer based on BDS precise point positioning (PPP) toward UTC/TAI compute. In this contribution, we focus on UTC/TAI comparison based on BDS PPP by using developed quad-constellation GNSS software, which called National Time System Center’s (NTSC) Bernese. And a long-term data analysis is presented. The experiments include two parts: (1) The reliability of the software and multi-GNSS products; (2) The performance of the BDS PPP toward International UTC/TAI comparison. The experimental results reveal that the accuracy of NTSC’s Bernese GPS PPP can reach about 0.1 ns relative to BIPM TAI PPP solutions. Compared with BIPM TAI PPP solutions, the accuracy of GPS PPP solutions can achieve about 0.2 ns by using multi-GNSS precise products, such as GBM, COM. For BDS PPP solutions, the solutions of GPS PPP are regarded as reference values. It is demonstrated that the accuracy of time transfer based on BDS PPP can reach better 1 ns toward UTC/TAI comparison for the statistics of 30 days-arc solutions, while 0.1 ns magnitude can be achieved for the statistics of daily solutions due to the influence of the day boundary discontinuity. Moreover, four different processing strategies of BDS PPP which include tropospheric delay fixed, tropospheric delay and coordinates fixed, coordinates fixed, and BDS-only are tested. Results show that the comparable accuracy can be achieved for four processing strategies. Hence, one can conclude that the time transfer based on BDS-only PPP show a good performance toward UTC/TAI computation.