  • 不同水平分辨率区域气候模式对青藏高原气候特征模拟

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2024-04-29 合作期刊: 《干旱区研究》

    摘要: 青藏高原地区气候特殊、地形复杂,气象观测站点稀少,对其区域气候和水循环过程的观测和模拟存在很大的困难。本文基于RegCM模式和WRF模式,探究不同水平分辨率10 km、25 km、50 km下区域气候模式对该地区1989—2008年气候时空分布规律的模拟能力。研究结果表明:在10 km水平分辨率下,RegCM模式模拟多年平均气温绝对误差为 0.33 ℃,WRF 模式模拟绝对误差为 1.77 ℃,比 25 km 和 50 km 水平分辨率下绝对误差减少 1.60~2.12 ℃,且四季气温模拟值与实测值的相关性有所提高;随着水平分辨率的提高,WRF模式对青藏高原东南部和南部的降水量高估有所改善,RegCM模式模拟值逐渐接近实测值(模拟年降水量相对误差由169%降至75%)且对高原北部降水量的模拟有所改善,但整体上模式对降雨的高估依然存在;两个模式随水平分辨率的提高对地形起伏最大的雅鲁藏布江源区降水量的误差减少最为明显。本研究可为揭示气候变化下青藏高原水文响应机理奠定基础。

  • 三江源一次降水过程雨滴谱垂直演变特征

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2024-04-29 合作期刊: 《干旱区研究》

    摘要: 利用布设在泽库站内的微雨雷达(Micro Rain Radar,MRR)、OTT-PARSIVEL激光雨滴谱仪、雨量计(RainGauge,RG)观测资料,针对2021年9月17日一次降水天气过程,对比分析MRR在高原地区的适用性,研究了不同雨强MRR观测参量及雨滴谱的垂直变化特征。结果表明:在此次过程中MRR与雨滴谱仪及RG的累计雨量结果较为一致,MRR 200 m雨强与雨滴谱仪反演值相关性较好。不同雨强下降水参量在垂直分布上有所差异,雨强Ⅰ档,受蒸发作用影响反射率因子、液态水含量、雨强由高层至低层表现出波动变化的趋势;雨强Ⅱ档,蒸发作用减弱,各微物理量峰值高度有所降低;雨强Ⅲ档,粒子碰并作用增强直径增大,各微物理量随高度的降低而增大。此次降水过程以小粒子为主,在各个高度层小粒子对数浓度的贡献均最大。1000~4000 m小粒子对雨强贡献率均大于90%;1000 m以下中等粒子随着高度降低对雨强的贡献逐渐增大;大粒子在高层对雨强的贡献率大于低层。

  • 2013—2023年兰州山谷持续性冷池空气污染特征

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2024-04-29 合作期刊: 《干旱区研究》

    摘要: 持续性冷池(Persistent Cold Air Pools,PCAPs)在山谷城市长时间聚集空气污染物,严重影响居民生活与身体健康。本文使用2013年1月—2023年11月的探空数据和空气质量逐日数据,计算并统计分析了兰州山谷PCAPs发生特点,以及PCAPs强度对污染物浓度变化的影响,最后对比分析PCAPs事件期间存在沙尘气溶胶污染时各污染物浓度的变化情况。结果发现:2013—2023年期间一共发生59次PCAPs事件,共计持续197 d。PCAPs期间的山谷热亏缺与PM2.5浓度比非PCAPs期间分别高4.43 J·m-2和52.14 μg·m-3。PCAPs期间空气质量指数(Air Quality Index,AQI)、SO2浓度、NO2浓度、CO浓度、PM10浓度增长分别为70.37%、144.3%、84.3%、156%、73.15%,而O3浓度下降60.89%。在PCAPs期间并且无沙尘气溶胶时,PM2.5:PM10的值平均在0.58,在PCAPs期间并且有沙尘气溶胶时,PM2.5:PM10的值平均在0.31。当存在沙尘气溶胶时PM2.5浓度、PM10浓度、AQI、O3浓度增长分别为:18.33%、133.03%、84.44%、8.5%;而SO2浓度和CO浓度则分别降低17.54%和17.88%。研究结果可为兰州地区大气污染防治及管理策略提供参考。

  • 近40 a内蒙古冬旱时空演变特征

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2024-04-29 合作期刊: 《干旱区研究》

    摘要: 冬季干旱是制约内蒙古冬季畜牧业生产的主要干扰因子之一,定量表征其时空变化特征和发展规律对防灾减灾、保障农牧业健康发展具有重要意义。利用1980—2021年冬季(10月—翌年3月)ERA5-Land再分析气象数据,计算1个月和6个月时间尺度的标准化降水蒸散指数(Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index,SPEI),采用趋势分析、时空热点分析等方法,分析内蒙古全区和五种主要植被类型区冬季干旱演变特征。结果表明:(1)近40 a内蒙古冬季整体SPEI呈现下降趋势,干旱化现象在不同植被和月份中表现不一,也有少数植被和月份趋于湿润化。(2)内蒙古地区冬季干旱的时空热点变化模式主要表现为:振荡的热点、振荡的冷点和未检测到模式。具体从季节和月时间尺度来看,冬旱热点主要集中在内蒙古中部和西部的大部分地区,以及东部的兴安盟和通辽市,即这些区域冬旱现象呈现加剧的趋势。(3)在干旱频率与频数统计方面,轻度冬旱事件发生频率最高,而荒漠草原和隔壁荒漠地区是发生冬旱事件最为频繁和严重的区域。

  • Landscape ecological risk assessment and its driving factors in the Weihe River basin, China

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2024-05-15 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: Weihe River basin is of great significance to analyze the changes of land use pattern and landscape ecological risk and to improve the ecological basis of regional development. Based on land use data of the Weihe River basin in 2000, 2010, and 2020, with the support of Aeronautical Reconnaissance Coverage Geographic Information System (ArcGIS), GeoDa, and other technologies, this study analyzed the spatial-temporal characteristics and driving factors of land use pattern and landscape ecological risk. Results showed that land use structure of the Weihe River basin has changed significantly, with the decrease of cropland and the increase of forest land and construction land. In the past 20 a, cropland has decreased by 7347.70 km2, and cropland was mainly converted into forest land, grassland, and construction land. The fragmentation and dispersion of ecological landscape pattern in the Weihe River basin were improved, and land use pattern became more concentrated. Meanwhile, landscape ecological risk of the Weihe River basin has been improved. Severe landscape ecological risk area decreased by 19,177.87 km2, high landscape ecological risk area decreased by 3904.35 km2, and moderate and low landscape ecological risk areas continued to increase. It is worth noting that landscape ecological risks in the upper reaches of the Weihe River basin are still relatively serious, especially in the contiguous areas of high ecological risk, such as Tianshui, Pingliang, Dingxi areas and some areas of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. Landscape ecological risk showed obvious spatial dependence, and high ecological risk area was concentrated. Among the driving factors, population density, precipitation, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and their interactions are the most important factors affecting the landscape ecological risk of the Weihe River basin. The findings significantly contribute to our understanding of the ecological dynamics in the Weihe River basin, providing crucial insights for sustainable management in the region.

  • Grain size and surface micro-texture characteristics and their paleoenvironmental significance of Holocene sediment in southern margin of the Gurbantunggut Desert, China

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地质学 提交时间: 2024-05-15 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: The southern margin of the Gurbantunggut Desert, China, is characterized by alternating layers of aeolian and alluvial deposits. Investigating the characteristics of arenaceous sediment in this area is of significant importance for understanding the interactive processes of wind and water forces, as well as the provenance of sediment. However, there are relatively few investigations on the characteristics of such sediment at present. In this study, we researched three aeolian-alluvial interactive stratigraphic profiles and different types of surface sediment on the desert-oasis transitional zone of southern margin of the Gurbantunggut Desert. Based on the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of aeolian sand and analyses of quartz sand grain size and surface micro-texture, we explored the aeolian-alluvial environmental change at southern margin of the desert in Holocene, as well as the provenance of sediment. The results indicated that the grain size characteristics of different types of sediment in the stratigraphic profiles were similar to those of modern dune sand, interdune sand, muddy desert surface soil, and riverbed sand. Their frequency curves were unimodal or bimodal, and cumulative probability curves were two-segment or three-segment, mainly composed of suspension load and saltation load. The quartz sand in the sediment at southern margin of the desert had undergone alternating transformation of various exogenic forces, with short transportation distance and time, and sedimentary environment was relatively humid. In Holocene, southern margin of the desert primarily featured braided river deposits, and during intermittent period of river activity, there were also aeolian deposits such as sand sheet deposits, stabilized dune deposits, and mobile dune deposits. The provenance for Holocene alluvial deposits at southern margin of the desert remains relatively constant, with the debris of the Tianshan Mountains being the primary provenance. Aeolian sand is mainly near-source recharge, which is formed by in situ deposition of fluvial or lacustrine materials in southern margin of the desert transported by wind erosion, and its provenance was still the weathered debris of the Tianshan Mountains. In addition, the sand in interior of the desert may be transported by northwest wind in desert-scale, thus affecting the development of dunes in southern margin of the desert. The results of this study provide a reference for understanding the composition and provenance changes of desert sand in the context of global climate change.

  • Near-surface wind field characteristics of the desert-oasis transition zone in Dunhuang, China

    分类: 地球科学 >> 大气科学 提交时间: 2024-05-15 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: The desert-oasis transition zone (DOTZ) serves as a buffer area between the desert and oasis. Understanding its wind field characteristics is of great significance for the prevention and control of aeolian disasters in the oasis. In this study, we used meteorological data during 2013–2019 from the portable meteorological stations at five sites (site A on the edge of the oasis, sites B, C, and D in the DOTZ, and site O in the desert) in Dunhuang, China to analyze the near-surface wind field characteristics and their causes, as well as to reveal the key role of the DOTZ in oasis protection. The results showed that the mean wind speed, frequency of sand-driving wind, and directional variability of wind decreased from west to east within the DOTZ, and wind speed was significantly affected by air temperature. The terrain influenced the prevailing winds in the region, mainly from northeast and southwest. Only some areas adjacent to the oasis were controlled by southeasterly wind. This indicated that the near-surface wind field characteristics of the DOTZ were caused by the combined effects of local terrain and surface hydrothermal difference. At site D, the annual drift potential (DP) was 24.95 vector units (VU), indicating a low wind energy environment, and the resultant drift direction (RDD) showed obvious seasonal differences. Additionally, the DOTZ played an important buffering role between the desert and oasis. Compared with the desert, the mean wind speed in the oasis decreased by 64.98%, and the prevailing wind direction was more concentrated. The results of this study will be useful in interpreting the aeolian activity of the DOTZ in Dunhuang.

  • 土壤含水量对探地雷达探测植物根系构型精度的影响

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2024-04-29 合作期刊: 《干旱区研究》

    摘要: 根系是评价植被生态服务功能的关键基础要素,但快速、精确、无损确定根系的测量技术和方法是目前生 态系统评估中的瓶颈。探地雷达是一种高效无损的地球物理学技术,可以在无损状态下获取土壤中的根系信息。 但是探地雷达检测和识别根系的精度受土壤含水量、根系含水量、根径大小、根系埋藏深度等诸多因素影响,导致 其在野外根系探测中适用性受限,为了探究土壤含水量对探地雷达探测根系精度的影响,本研究采用野外预埋根 系的控制实验,根据探地雷达波速、振幅和根点反射系数的变化,分析了不同土壤含水量条件下根点识别率及根点 距离均方根误差。 结果表明:(1)根系探测中,探地雷达波速和振幅是判断土壤含水量变化的重要参数;(2)随着 土壤含水量的增大,探地雷达波速减小,雷达振幅趋于平缓;(3)不同土层深度上随着根系直径的增大,探地雷达波 速增大,雷达振幅趋于激烈;(4)根点识别率与土壤含水量成负相关(P

  • Grassland-type ecosystem stability in China differs under the influence of drought and wet events

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2024-05-15 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: Ecological stability is a core issue in ecological research and holds significant implications for humanity. The increased frequency and intensity of drought and wet climate events resulting from climate change pose a major threat to global ecological stability. Variations in stability among different ecosystems have been confirmed, but it remains unclear whether there are differences in stability within the same terrestrial vegetation ecosystem under the influence of climate events in different directions and intensities. China's grassland ecosystem includes most grassland types and is a good choice for studying this issue. This study used the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index-12 (SPEI-12) to identify the directions and intensities of different types of climate events, and based on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), calculated the resistance and resilience of different grassland types for 30 consecutive years from 1990 to 2019 (resistance and resilience are important indicators to measure stability). Based on a traditional regression model, standardized methods were integrated to analyze the impacts of the intensity and duration of drought and wet events on vegetation stability. The results showed that meadow steppe exhibited the highest stability, while alpine steppe and desert steppe had the lowest overall stability. The stability of typical steppe, alpine meadow, temperate meadow was at an intermediate level. Regarding the impact of the duration and intensity of climate events on vegetation ecosystem stability for the same grassland type, the resilience of desert steppe during drought was mainly affected by the duration. In contrast, the impact of intensity was not significant. However, alpine steppe was mainly affected by intensity in wet environments, and duration had no significant impact. Our conclusions can provide decision support for the future grassland ecosystem governance.

  • Environmental dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus release from river sediments of arid areas

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地质学 提交时间: 2024-05-15 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: Human activities lead to the accumulation of a large amount of nitrogen and phosphorus in sediments in rivers. Simultaneously, nitrogen and phosphorus can be affected by environment and re-enter the upper water body, causing secondary pollution of the river water. In this study, laboratory simulation experiments were conducted initially to investigate the release of nitrogen and phosphorus from river sediments in Urumqi City and the surrounding areas in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China and determine the factors that influence their release. The results of this study showed significant short-term differences in nitrogen and phosphorus release characteristics from sediments at different sampling points. The proposed secondary kinetics model (i.e., pseudo-second-order kinetics model) better fitted the release process of sediment nitrogen and phosphorus. The release of nitrogen and phosphorus from sediments is a complex process driven by multiple factors, therefore, we tested the influence of three factors (pH, temperature, and disturbance intensity) on the release of nitrogen and phosphorus from sediments in this study. The most amount of nitrate nitrogen (NO3–-N) was released under neutral conditions, while the most significant release of ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N) occurred under acidic and alkaline conditions. The release of nitrite nitrogen (NO2–-N) was less affected by pH. The dissolved total phosphorus (DTP) released significantly in the alkaline water environment, while the release of dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) was more significant in acidic water. The release amount of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) increased with an increase in pH. The sediments released nitrogen and phosphorus at higher temperatures, particularly NH4+-N, NO3–-N, and SRP. The highest amount of DOP was released at 15.0°C. An increase in disturbance intensity exacerbated the release of nitrogen and phosphorus from sediments. NH4+-N, DTP, and SRP levels increased linearly with the intensity of disturbance, while NO3–-N and NO2–-N were more stable. This study provides valuable information for protecting and restoring the water environment in arid areas and has significant practical reference value.

  • “3S”技术在植被调查中的应用分析

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地球科学其他学科 提交时间: 2019-09-11 合作期刊: 《干旱区研究》

    摘要: 利用3S空间分析和地学统计分析方法,选取植被覆盖度、坡度、土壤等归一化生态指数,采用生态要素及功能叠加的转移矩阵模型,研究了新疆玛纳斯河流域生态要素及环境质量时空分异规律。研究得出:① 总体上玛纳斯河流域仍保持山地、绿洲、荒漠的空间分异格局,生态环境整体质量较差,但转好趋势明显,城乡建设格局变化决定着局地环境动态演变。② 人工绿洲、山前缓冲区生态质量最好但变化较快,农田内部的盐渍化虽然得到很好控制,但大量盐分被排入下游及周边,对自然绿洲造成新的危害。中山林草带植被覆盖、土壤恢复、水土保持较好。③ 2000—2008年流域生态环境质量缓慢好转,其中以生态环境质量由差转中为主,集中在古尔班通古特沙漠,虽然绿洲—荒漠过渡带生态恢复明显,但高山冰雪带不断萎缩;2008—2016年流域生态环境质量明显转好,其中以生态环境质量由中变良为主,集中在山前缓冲区,虽然山地—绿洲过渡带生态改善进程加快,但高山冰雪带仍持续退缩。

  • 塔什库尔干河流域河谷大气降水同位素特征与水汽输送路径

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2024-04-29 合作期刊: 《干旱区研究》

    摘要: 利用塔什库尔干河流域河谷2018年9月—2020年5月的降水事件的大气降水同位素数据,以及流域河谷代表性气象站点温度、降水、相对湿度等气象资料,分析降水中δ18O、δ2H和氘盈余(d-excess)变化特征,探讨影响因素,并基于拉格朗日后向轨迹模型(HYSPLIT)追踪解析流域河谷大气降水的水汽输送路径。结果表明:(1)降水δ2H、δ18O值总体上呈现夏季富集、冬季贫化的季节变化特征,且具有显著的温度效应(1.33‰·℃-1),但未见显著雨量效应;(2)局地大气降水线方程为δ2H=7.63δ18O-3.55,呈现出显著的干旱气候特征;(3)HYSPLIT模拟结果表明研究流域降水水汽主要受西风环流和局地水汽再循环影响,其中夏半年局地水汽蒸发占比54.09%,冬半年西方路径中较长距离输送占比45.53%。8月源自印度洋的水汽可绕过青藏高原到达研究区域。成果可为塔什库尔干河流域水资源管理和气候应对提供参考依据。

  • 基于PLUS和InVEST模型的乌鲁木齐市碳储量时空演变与预测

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2024-04-29 合作期刊: 《干旱区研究》

    摘要: 土地利用变化对陆地生态系统的碳储量变化有着重要影响,研究不同发展情景下陆地生态系用碳储量变化情况,有利于优化空间布局,协调土地利用与生态环境保护的关系。本研究结合PLUS和InVEST模型,通过多种驱动因素数据分析了2000—2020年乌鲁木齐市土地利用的变化特征,以此预测模拟2030年自然发展情景、生态保护优先情景和耕地保护优先情景下土地碳储量。结果表明:(1)2000—2020年乌鲁木齐市林地、水域、建设面积、未利用地数量增加,耕地、草地面积减少。(2)2030 年,自然发展情景延续了以往发展模式,建设用地面积增幅为18.29%。生态保护优先情景下,建设用地的扩张速度得到有效控制,增幅已经减缓,为4.73%。耕地保护优先情景下耕地面积比自然发展情景下多了171 km2,耕地保护效果显著。(3)2000—2020年,碳储量呈下降趋势,共计减少8.5×106 t。2030年自然发展情景下碳储量总量相较于2020年减少了4.065×106 t,生态保护优先情景下比自然增长情景高7.519×105 t,耕地保护优先情景比自然增长情景低1.979×106 t。因此,在未来乌鲁木齐市发展规划中,应当落实耕地保护责任,控制建设用地向林地、草地等高碳密度用地的扩张,优化用地布局,提高区域碳储量水平。

  • 塔里木盆地西部图木舒克—昆玉沙漠公路沿线风沙环境特 征

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2024-03-01 合作期刊: 《干旱区研究》

    摘要: 为了摸清在建图木舒克—昆玉沙漠公路沿线的风沙环境特征,根据沙漠公路沿线风沙要素特征有针对性地进行风沙防护工程实践,采用现场踏勘、结合 ERA5 风速数据以及卫星影像数据,对图木舒克—昆玉沙漠公路沿线风沙活动规律进行分析。结果表明:公路沿线年平均风速在 3.03~3.28 m·s-1,年均起沙风速在 5.85~6.10 m·s-1,年起沙风频率在 16.87%~21.41%。起沙风集中处在春、夏季,4—8 月是一年中起沙风频率最高的月份,公路沿线以偏东风( NE , ENE , E , ESE ) 为 主 , 麻 扎 塔 格 山 以 南 偏 西 起 沙 风 频 高 于 以 北 。 沿 线 年 输 沙 势 ( DP ) 在99.77VU~145.30VU,属低风能环境,中变率。麻扎塔格山南北两侧沙丘体积、密度差异明显,沿线沙丘移动速率在1.19~3.69 m·a-1,为中等移动速度,沙丘移动速率与沙丘垂直投影面积大小存在明显的负相关关系,移动方向范围在171.76°~192.53°,与合成输沙方向(RDD)基本吻合。麻扎塔格山以北防沙体系的设计以东侧为主,以南则要东西兼顾。

  • 新疆能源消费碳排放时空特征及能源结构调整路径探讨

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2024-04-29 合作期刊: 《干旱区研究》

    摘要: 新疆作为我国重要的能源生产与供给基地,合理的协调经济发展与能源碳排放之间的关系,是实现其经济可持续发展与节能减排目标的重要前提。本文在整理新疆各类统计数据的基础上利用空间自相关对新疆2000—2020年能源消费碳排放的时空特征进行了测算和分析。结果表明:(1)研究期间新疆能源消费碳排放总量呈现逐年增加的趋势,但碳排放强度整体上呈现下降趋势;(2)碳排放强度的空间分布特征表现为:天山东坡碳排放强度较高,准噶尔北缘、天山北坡和昆仑山北坡则相对较低,并且具有明显的集聚特点;(3)在全球变暖与碳减排的大背景下,新疆需要从区域资源禀赋特点入手,建立差异化的能源结构调整策略,通过构建多能互补的绿色能源网络,促进区域实现“双碳”目标和社会经济的高质量发展。

  • 内蒙古伊敏盆地地下水水化学特征及其成因

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2024-04-29 合作期刊: 《干旱区研究》

    摘要: 采矿活动强烈地改变了区域水文循环特征并对地下水化学特征产生明显影响,揭示煤矿开发影响下的地下水系统演变特征,可为煤矿区的生态环境保护和可持续发展提供理论支持。本文以内蒙古伊敏盆地为例,在水文地质调查的基础上结合地下水流动系统理论、Piper三线图、Gibbs图、离子比例系数、矿物饱和指数等分析方法探究煤矿开采活动干扰下的地下水化学变化特征。结果表明:研究区水环境整体上呈弱碱性,采矿显著影响区和非影响区内检测指标存在着不同程度的超标情况。盆地内煤矿开采疏排地下水加速了区域水文循环速度,使显著影响区水质向淡化方向演化。露天煤矿的开发使得原本封闭的地下水系统变得开放,含硫煤以及硫铁矿氧化产酸激发的一系列水-岩相互作用是区域地下水化学特征发生变化的主因。盆地地下水的水化学成分受蒸发浓缩作用和水-岩相互作用的影响。沿着地下水的流动方向,显著影响区内水化学类型是从HCO3-Ca·Na型向HCO3-Ca型变化,TDS和Cl-浓度呈现出下降趋势;在非影响区内是从HCO3-Ca·Na型向Cl-Ca·Mg型转变,TDS和Cl-浓度表现为上升趋势。

  • 祁连山地区土地利用变化对碳储量的影响 及经济价值估算

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2023-12-16 合作期刊: 《干旱区研究》

    摘要: 人类活动是土地利用变化的主要驱动因素,土地利用/覆盖变化通过影响陆地生态系统的结构和功能间 接影响生态服务价值。本文基于土地利用转移矩阵和动态度分析了2000—2020年祁连山地区土地利用变化特征, 应用InVEST模型估算了祁连山地区生态系统的碳储量,结合复利现值公式估算了各时期碳储量经济价值。结果 表明:(1)2000—2020年草地和未利用地是祁连山地区的主要土地利用类型,占土地利用类型总面积80%以上,且 两者之间转换最为显著。因人类活动加剧和城市化进程的推进,祁连山地区林地和未利用地面积减少,其他地类 面积增加;(2)由于该地适宜的地理环境、植被保护力度的加强与人工管理的作用,2000—2020年祁连山地区碳储 量增加44.26×104 t,并呈“西北低,东南高”的空间分布特征,与土地利用类型分布显著相关。其中,耕地、草地和水 域碳储量增加73.1×104 t,林地和未利用地碳储量减少28.8×104 t;(3)2000—2020年祁连山地区碳储量经济价值由 2325.9×106元增加至3908.8×106元,增量为1582.9×106元,增长率为68.1%。其中,草地碳储量经济价值20 a间增加 了851.8×106元,增长率为71.5%,成为该地区碳储量经济价值增加的主要驱动力。祁连山地区碳储量呈增加趋势, 未来相关部门在延续先前管理方案的同时,也要警惕当前气候变化对碳储量的影响。研究结果可为区域制定优化 土地利用目标、推动可持续发展和应对全球气候变化提供科学依据。

  • 冰雹天气的环境参量及预报模型

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2024-03-01 合作期刊: 《干旱区研究》

    摘要: 利用1959—2021年内蒙古119个国家站的冰雹观测记录与ERA5再分析数据,对比分析冰雹与非冰雹层结、水汽、特殊温度层高度、垂直风切变及云微观物理量的差异,建立冰雹预报模型,为冰雹的潜势预报提供客观定量的依据。结果表明:冰雹、非冰雹K指数、假相当位温差、垂直风切变、比湿及云微观结构差异不显著。总指数(TT)>50 ℃,850 hPa与500 hPa温度差≥28.4 ℃,大气可降水量≤24 mm,-20 ℃层高度

  • 1990—2020年黄土高原典型县域植被覆盖变化及影响因素

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2024-03-01 合作期刊: 《干旱区研究》

    摘要: 为探究吉县近30 a植被动态演变规律及其影响因素,本研究基于Landsat影像,结合气象、土地利用、夜间灯光等数据,采用趋势分析、偏相关分析、随机森林、残差分析等方法探究吉县植被覆盖度时空变化特征及气候和人为因素对植被变化的影响。结果显示:(1)1990—2020年研究区植被覆盖度(FVC)整体呈显著上升趋势,FVC年均增长速率约为0.49%,植被质量明显改善。(2)吉县FVC具有明显的“低值-高值”交错分布的空间特征。1990—2020年FVC显著增加区占51%,FVC显著减少区占7%。(3)气候因素对部分FVC高值区和建筑区植被生长起抑制作用,对其余地区植被覆盖起促进作用。将人类活动作为全域影响因素考虑时气候和人类活动对植被动态的贡献率分别为53.43%、46.57%,将其作为局域变量时相对贡献率减少至13.07%。人类活动在特定地区如吉县中部和东部是植被退化的重要影响因素,西侧和南部的植被恢复也与之相关。研究结果可为区域生态修复工作进一步开展提供科学依据。

  • 基于多端元解混模型的博斯腾湖区域植被和水域时空变化特征及趋势分析

    分类: 地球科学 >> 地理学 提交时间: 2023-11-13 合作期刊: 《干旱区地理》

    摘要: 湿地高精度动态变化遥感监测,对于湿地保护和恢复具有重要的实践意义。以新疆博斯腾湖湿地为研究对象,运用多端元混合像元分解(Multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis,MESMA)模型提取Landsat影像中植被、水体和裸地面积,通过无人机影像验证精度后,结合趋势分析法探明20002022年博斯腾湖湿地时空变化特征及趋势。结果表明:(1) 通过无人机影像重采样精度验证的MESMA分类结果中植被像元拟合优度(R2)为0.75,水体像元R2为0.84,表明分类结果符合实际地物情况。(2) 20002022年博斯腾湖湿地植被面积共增加536.65 km2,增加了183.14%;水域面积则减少595.76 km2,减少了37.07%;裸地面积共增加99.12 km2,增加了25.42%。(3)博斯腾湖湿地植被面积呈增加趋势的区域占总面积的30.6%,位于大湖区西北部和小湖区北部;反之水域面积呈减少趋势的区域占总面积的34.6%,位于大湖北岸、东岸及小湖湿地。准确掌握博斯腾湖湿地时空变化情况及其趋势,可对干旱区内陆湿地监测与保护提供参考依据。